1. For a while....the same old same old, however, never leave your 1st true love........your Tuba.Way too many ads! Once an hour it's a lot, but 1 every 10 min is ridiculous!Very Good Apo Good MusicREALLY GREAT APP ALOT OF REALLY GOOD MUSIC.Download it but can't get by I don't agree so you tell me how do you open the app so till then only one star please come back to me 👎😖It is awesome I consider people to install itOk, ale szkoda, że nie działa z Chromecast.
2. The least stable radio listening app... :( Keeps stopping without any apparent reason... In most cases the effective restart requires Force Stop procedure as simple going back does not work and even Pause stops responding.
3. I started in my adolescence and began enjoying music.
4. :( A nightmare for Tok FM listener.I am a 3 Valve Tuba Player.
5. This app has made me love music once again.
6. One of the best apps in the world.