1. Be part of the creative community and share your passion with the whole world. - Stream together with your friends or host a private stream, where you can decide who can access your stream.
1. Or the video will randomly stop (but the chat and sound will continue) and I have to exit out of the stream and click into it again to actually see the stream.
2. I get "Video Unavailable" and "Channel does not exist" errors when opening an active stream.
3. Stream previews appear on the main screen, but streams do not load.
4. I'm not always a fan of the artists music choices or many times they do not speak the same language as me, yet I'm stuck with the app basically hijacking my audio so that I'm unable to listen to what I want to listen to.Sometimes the app works perfect and then most of the time it will not connect in any way.
5. If I get a phone call, the steam video will stop even though the chat continues on.App is completely unusable after the most recent Picarto update.
6. The streams themselves are great in quality, even in multi-streams! You can listen to as many or as little of each stream as you desire, muting as you wish.
7. I love being able to bring my tablet into work and watch art streams on the job.
8. You can optionally choose to watch only one stream or watch several, though this only works in landscape mode.
9. And when ever I do get to a stream, the chat box doesn't load at all so I don't know who is talking.
10. One problem with this though, the only way for me to watch a stream is through the emails I get.
11. If you hit the full-screen button, it turns like it's supposed to but keeps the video playing at half the screen size.