1. By Ns,JRinpoxi.This dictionary has got problems like in typing tibetan letters.. we have to be very carefull when we type words.. as one word mistakes makes the whole words up and down.. otherwise its good...It's not translating lots of words.
2. The additions of Jeffery Hopkins, Tsepak Rigdzin, Alexander Berzin and other , mostly Gelukpa, translators to the standard Rangjung Yeahe Dictionary are really excellent and add a different perspective on many words.
3. I want to thank Christian Steinert for producing this program and collection.This dictionary out feature is well.
4. No advertisements also.Very, very good app; it fulfills the so much needed Monlam dictionary app.
5. Thank you for making this available to us.Good but many typo mistakes are there.
6. Thank you for updating.I couldn't translate even a single word.
7. Very poor service.Excellent app for translating Tibetan text.
8. This is an excellent dictionary.
9. (The translators cited in Rangjung Yeshe are mostly Kagyü and Nyingma in background).
10. Similarly, the addition of many Tibetan Language dictionaries is also excellent.
11. It always shows 'Failed to translate'Simple, accurate and works offline also.