1. Connected good or poor live to see.The app is good.The more you watch,the better.For 60,120 and 300,it's more convenient.Very good but may be use to 24 lottry data to update.Very good App.
2. I think it will better if we can watch 2d live by floating window mode.I mean "That 2d live will draw over other app" How about for IOS? Can I get the link?connected poor ask links hightspeed down.
3. Other connected to Wireless wi-fi connection & mobile data connecting Running Software isuue.Direct see software.
4. no have show data real time.Lottery data 2d3d nomaly fount building.
5. Glad to see the development and worth to update.
6. List to true.
7. Thank you.too many error.
8. We can easy to use it.