1. But if possible suggestions, I want to give a suggestion that the application is given a feature "log out" of the account and also provided a feature "clear search history" thanks! 🥰❤the application is very helpful for me, and of course very helpful for other students.
2. This application really helps me in finding my school subject matter if I don't have the book, I can find a lot of notes here.
3. That's all, thank youđź’™Gatau mau ngetik apa, tapi yang jelas makasih udah buat aplikasinya.
4. Especially for those of you who are still in school, you have to download this application.
5. Anyway this application is good and really cool.
6. I think it's really helpful.
I’d like to delete my account permanently due to it wasn’t helping me with my homework or Something else please delete it as soon as possible