1. Another problems is about half of the time I select an article a blank page loads with the Live 5 News header at the top of the page that no amount of reloading the story will fix.
2. Go with News 2 app, it's far less annoying and in my experience over the past few years, the notifications/stories are nearly identical so no loss to information received even having the one fewer news app.You have to be VERY careful when clicking on a notification to read and article, otherwise EVERY other notification will disappear.
3. Very frustrating so now I actually read the text instead of watching the video because of this major issue! If the ads were not so heavy and intrusive I would live it! Please remedy this wcsc! Thanks 😊 🙏The giant add that pops up before every story and has to be manually closed is obnoxiously intrusive.
4. Plus it seems to show more ads than before the update.I love the ability to get news surrounding my county and low country very fast! My main issue is every time I watch anything I get an ad and lately it plays audio of the ad at the same time my selected article is playing.
5. I'm never able to read half the articles they notify me about because once I click the notification it doesn't take me to the story, just the home page.
6. I can open a story long enough to read the headline and maybe what city the story is from before it goes to a blank screen.
7. When you do not get a "Congratulations, you're a winner!" notification, it is a blank screen, and when you go back, it takes you to the home page.
8. I'm so frustrated that I'm seriously consider deleting Live 5 and downloading another local news app.
9. Hopefully News 2 will be better.UPDATE: They fixed the auto play on videos.
10. It's probably 30/70 that I just open the article that I want without erasing the other notifications.
11. There are also more ads and some of them don't let you close them without clicking on them.Update: clicked on one of the news links and a virus popped up.