1. What is wrong that the recipe links and photos do not show up?Meal plans look great but unable to pull up recipe or shopping list for each 7-day plan.
2. Are there no actual recipes included? Looks great, but unusable.Awesome App it has recipe's , meal plan's and valuable information on health issue's.
3. Please allow us to stay logged in! It does not make sense to continually have to log in when the app does not store any personal information.
4. Blessings on you!Links and photos not working I really want this app to work.
5. Would like to access this information.None of the links work.
6. I LOVE all you do to inspire and encourage peeps to be healthy.
7. I'm definitely going to share with friend's and family.Would have liked to try it.
8. Please alter and I will give 5 stars.
9. App won't even open.