1. If you're motivated to journal, track your triggers, learn about addiction recovery and start anew this app provides an INSANE amount of support in a SUPER clean UI that just feels great to interact with.
2. In the Fortify program it breaks down possible root causes in your own life and truly provides a personalized and customized system for those seeking a better life.Awesome way to track progress and stay on track.
3. I'm glad I accidentally found this and see it as a God moment to get me back on track.You've got to put in the work to make this app work for your addiction recovery, but it really works once you do.
4. This question for instance asks how often Ive felt tense or nervous then has a sliding scale with 0 "poor" - 100 "excellent".
5. Wouldn't I choose 0 because I haven't felt tense or nervous? This scale just doesn't make sense and doesn't fit the question.
6. It is a very thorough system for addiction recovery.The app was great until you sign out.
7. I'm not sure if it's that my tablet is old, or my WiFi connection is lacking, but loading times are awful on pretty much all but the very, very newest of notifications.Awesome app that has helped me a lot.
8. Let me add the huge disclaimer that I've gotten out what I've put into it, and if I didn't keep using it and returning to it after relapses, it wouldn't work.
9. Not this poor and excellent thing.I can't believe how good this is.
10. For me, it was writing a daily journal entry about how I was doing that day, logging victories and setbacks, and occasionally reaching out to allies to let them know that I'm doing ok through the "SOS" function.
11. This sucks because i want to finally be rid of my addiction and be better, but this whole ordeal is making it harder for me to do so.