1. This is offline Dictionary of Abbreviations, includes over 400,000 abbreviations and acronyms in alphabetical and numerical order, Abbreviations dictionary consist of 285+ categories including the world's Accounting, Aircraft, Animals, Anthropology, Awards, Banking, Bible, Biology, Biotech, Blogs, Business, Career, Certificates, Charity, Chat, Chemistry, Churches, Cities, Clubs, Colleges, Colors, Commerce, Community, Computing, Conservation, Countries, Culture, Degrees, Development, Drugs, Educational, Electronics, Employment, Energy, Engineering, English, Environmental, Farm, Fashion, Firms, Food, Forums, Funds, Funnies, Gaming, Genealogy, General, General Business, General computing, Geography, Geology, Governmental, Greek, Guilds, Hardware, History, Hobbies, International, Internet, Java, Journals, Law, Legislation, Libraries, Logistics, Management, Marketing, Media, Medical, Meteorology, Military, Miscellaneous, Months Abbreviations, Museums, Music, NASA, Networking, Nicknames, Nonprofit, Nursing, Symbols, Organizations, Patents, Pharmacy, Photography, Physics, Physiology, Planning, Politics, Products, Psychiatry, Psychology, Regional, Rehabilitation, Religion, Research, Robotics.
2. Salutations, Schools, Science, Security, Societies, Sociology, Software, Statistics, Stock Exchange, Students, Surgical, Tax, Technology, Telecom, Trade, Transplantation, Transportation, Travel, TV, Twitter, UN, Unit Measures, Universities, Unix, Urology, US Govt, Vaccine, Waste, Websites, Working Groups, Youth, and Zoology related words. abbreviations are a shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase, used to represent the whole, as Dr. for Doctor.
3. It’s the Best Offline Abbreviations Dictionary app for students, teachers, professionals, travelers, learners, Kids, boys and girls, business mans, players. • Abbreviations Dictionary app is a free and have some minor ads, so you will not need to worry about that. • The Dictionary App is already in development phase.
4. In case of any problem, please contact and send us an e-mail and review briefly with the problem.
5. Internet permission: is required for searching your Image on internet, and ads which are supported by trusted vendors.
1. So, in light of that, could you maybe add some way of filtering/searching by whether a word is an "abbreviation", an "acronym", and/or a "truncation"? thanks, and sorry for my prievious reviewMy experience is so good for easy to use the app also quick for finding words that I can do about so many abbreviations.
2. Some entries are very oddly categorised; for example, an educational organisation that i personally know is misfiled under Science, baffling given its aims as described in Wikipedia.]in a previous review i had no idea the words "acronym" and "abbreviation" had so many different 'official' meanings.
3. All the necessary abbreviations are easily referrable & at a finger tip subjectwise.Words not Found or No results were found in trying to find the proper Abbreviations of the words I was needing the abbreviation for.
4. Improve your communication skills with the Abbreviations Dictionary app, a must-have tool for decoding abbreviations.Very disturbing to find "No seats for whites" categorised under Funnies.
5. I used to think, and still do, that abbreviations are truncated words and acronyms are made entirely of the first letter of each word in a group of words.
6. The Abbreviations Dictionary app is a comprehensive, user-friendly, and offline dictionary for decoding abbreviations and acronyms.
7. This app was of No Help What So Ever... EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED in this APP...A great set of abbreviations and acronyms .
8. All abbreviations are found there as l checked .
9. Thank you for the app.It's a really goods apps for new learners if the appreviation are categorized distinctly according to their field vise than its will be better.Excellent app.
10. The free app features advanced search and bookmarking options, making it easy to access and use anytime.
11. With thousands of entries, definitions, and examples of use, it's a valuable resource for understanding technical or professional jargon.