1. 注意1:最低版本為Android 6. 注意2:由於點數系統調整,請務必全面更新至7. 7. 注意5:Android 9, 10版本的卡友,請務必更新最新版本(7. 7. 020),才能完整使用DOCOMO卡; Android 6版本的卡友,請務必更新至最新版本(7. 7.
1. I hope you have an english version of your app so others who cannot read and write chinese can still understandWhy is it unavailable to take screenshots on Android devices, while it's possible to do so on iOS devices?Do you have an English version of this app and Where can I reload it? Thank you.not very good using because of no english language on appsStop testing push notifications on productions.leak too many personal info to app developer.Cant reset my tel no.