1. So I recommend it to all my students.i have experience with grammer.but i have lack of speaking,especially,when i come to express myself,i can't use the vocabulary and be stuck.however this app help me speak more practically.i love it.thank you.By the way,i wanna download the sample sentences from "hello"speaking app.i will glad it would possible.This App is wonderful.
2. You can speak English in many practice conversations and practice speaking English with the conversation simulator.
3. Great app for beginner and intermediate level English learners to improve their English speaking.
4. This app is great for practicing speaking English when you have nobody to practice with.
5. This is great possibilitie to speak out loud and train my pronounce.Very nice app.
6. Exactly an App that I'm looking for .This application will be much better if the sound recording section is brought.
7. I would want to update or new addThis app is helpful.
8. Thank you.I like this app.
9. Interesting exercises.
10. I like all of his lesson.