1. This call screen app is the Best by far!Really good to me and it's easy to use with good lighting themes that are well designated for a good look of the phone incoming callsThe app Keeps freezing and force closing, when trying to assign different themes to callersnit also freezes, Please fix.jag vill is the best known for its ability and the best in your life and is not an option if you're a good player and 6AM has been in a lot worse place for a while now and you can talk about the best way to get a good deal of the town of the year in your home country on 33dollars islandNo phone calls just yet but im excited to see it when it does happen should have something for text message notifications now theres an idea.Love it so far.
2. I love the other apps that offer that option bcz i love having other ways to customize my own call screens.
3. thanks 😊I gave it a 1 star because every time I pick a theme out for someone in my contact I always answer it but then it won't make it a theme it would always just stay Gray and if you fix this I will gladly change it to a five-star review.
4. The only thing wrong with this app is that you dont offer an area where you can change the answer & end buttons at all.
5. And im sure that im speaking for alot of other people too, in regards to the buttons options!! That's the best way i can think of to try & explain what i mean.
6. I would appreciate the change to add that option bcz that's what will make me change my rating to 5 stars.
7. Ty.love this app! totally easy to use and very efficient.
8. Would love if i could pop the bubbles on the bubble backgrounds though.
9. A larger variety of Beautoful and classy images.
10. Gives my phone a pretty background.
11. let's you customize it with your individual contacts.