1. The blank load up page can be a little confusing, but after clicking around its quite easy, I just clicked on the search function amd started typing.
2. This is nice to have when I want to look something up in more detail but want to stay handsfree or relatively hands free and don't want to wait half an hour toblook it up.So much promise.
3. Still, very useful!Weird UI opening to a blank page with a swipe menu.
4. If only it could change article language on the fly, without me having to go back, switch the language and search for the same thing all over again.
5. Shame, Unistalled.When first install the blank screen is dumbfounded.
6. Couldnt get it work.it doesn't workCan't understand a single word.Bad interface.
7. But typing any subject in the search area brings up the topic.
8. There multiple voices from Google speech engine to select as well as pitch and speed.
9. I justbhave a very long commute to work 3 or 4 days a week, 100 miles round trip.
10. Overall very good reader.Nice app, simple and useful.
11. Unlike other wiki readers it allows you to decide where to start reading.