1. kindly please help.Exam result is not right after you finish the exam your result will not equal the percentage of right questions that you answered.. plus some questions change your choice1_ I can't access to incorrectly questions of (topics) not units please fix it ! 2_ I can't show the name of topic in window that i tested before please add the name of topic .
2. it doesn't support auto rotate why ?Couid you please update new questions and need to increase question for one section more than 22 at one time.
3. Essay to understand and helps me by providing the answers even for incorrect one's, really helpful for me as it's not only given sections wise but also topic wise in each sections which helps me to practice it well and then move to next.
4. ThanksProblems in access full content after the purchase ....Poor app It doesn't provide full section.
5. I just installed this and I get only one sections in each part ie, In part 1 - section A and in part 2- only section B .. please provide all the sections in both parts.
6. But it would be great if you bring in a way to segregate questions based on whether they have been previously answered or not.
7. Same questions coming if we try the same section.
8. The support team is amazing as I had Mr Thomas Coghlan who helped me with queries.
9. Only section is givenCan't log in with my studies ID.
10. That way, even if a session is reset, I can start from where I left.This app needs an update.
11. No new questions.