1. Taking life seriously and think carefully before I can even do thinks.Wonderful! I love it! Another tool to support my wellbeing ♥️The promblem is that the speeches use dataIt's a good app to build your self for better lifeIm most Geeatful time rring verfing good im tring getting hopfull i talk valadating gift in past freind direction meeting when tesdaday collage speeker award to Opera Middle this phone keep keep front page on yhat moment push aside i not repeting oprea avnger isnt gifts it is freind that in wourld notice im alway talking about FREINDS ZND FAMILY REUNION MY ATTEAMING 5 YEARS SD CARD PHONES SEVERS SEEM DISAPERING WEVPAGE OPRA ABOUT 3 WEEKSBAGO PHOTOSHOTEVSHE WAS DOING THAT WAS THE DIRSTTIME I EVYou become what you intake, therefore these inspiration have given me a better ground to pave a better way for my life and the lives I touch- Alice Evans-RandleAny wisdom that opr...
2. Oprah Winfreyfrey has always been my hero since my teenage years..one small feedback to the developer of this app- why is the background shade in the motivational video is dark blue or is it that u do not want anybody to read the text?Wow.
3. Million thanks to you Oprah.Totally amazing! However, your other apps button is currently not working.It has made me understand better, how I should treat myself and others, also to know how I can assist others with a mere message.
4. Great deal for life changing to greater height.
5. Excellent in general motivations for life needs.
6. Join n read, listen n review ALL.. indeed you will be surprised n amazed.
7. I love it.
8. Recommended.