1. I'm a subscriber and can't access the news.Payment made but still did not get access to newspaper on both Apple and Google storesHello O Globo, I was looking for uploading the app, however, when registering myself, I was asked to type down a CPF number but I'm a foreigner (Peru).
2. A problem that I faced only in Brazilian newspapers apps.Crashes all the timeThis app used to be good but recently it constantly freezes after a few minutes use.It sucks.
3. Even though I am a subscriber to the newspaper, it does not work.I can't read any article without being subscribed.
4. After you read a paper it continues trying to upload that paper and blocks you from downloading future editions.
5. much coverage of televisions stars and Brazilian models, make up and latest romances of politicians.
6. silly, no substance, not serious.This app when it updates manages to not function.
7. The only solution is to desinstall the app and install again.waste of time.
8. coverage of news is very light.
9. The is not working properly.