1. In the Muslim tradition, it is believed that the canonical version was approved according to the general opinion of the surviving companions of the prophet that it was in this form that Muhammad himself read the Koran.
2. According to Muslim tradition, the transmission of the Koran was carried out through the angel Gabriel and lasted almost 23 (more precisely 22, from 610 to 632) years, and Muhammad received his first revelation at the age of forty, on the Night of Power (the month of Ramadan).
3. The modern edition of the Koran is considered a compilation of records collected and summarized by a special board headed by Zeid ibn Thabit, at the behest of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq and Umar ibn al-Khattab, approved as the only canonical version under the third caliph Uthman.
4. In fact, it is believed that this holy book contains the word of God, transmitted in revelation to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him! ) and put into his mouth.
5. At the same time, today there are seven known versions of reading - tajwid - the Koran, dating back to various schools of the initial period of Muslim history.
6. The Koran (Arabic: أَلْقُرآن [qurˈʔaːn] - al-Kur'an) is the holy book of Muslims.
7. The Holy Quran was originally written in Arabic, the traditional language of Muslim worship.
8. However, the contents of the main book of Muslims have been translated into all existing languages of the world.
9. The Koran was written down from the words of Muhammad by his companions.
10. Any fundamental religious teaching is based on theses, principles and dogmas, which are, as a rule, set out in the main book of each specific religion.
11. Thus, the Holy Qur'an is a manifestation of the absolute divine principle for Muslims in particular and for people in general.
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