1. Join over one million people in 200 countries who have downloaded a tool designed to help you share your faith.
2. Grow your confidence in talking about what you believe, with tools that are being used in conversations all over the world.
3. Open GodTools to show someone what you believe and why it matters, in language they understand.
4. You want the people in your life to know how to have a life-changing relationship with God.
5. GodTools offers you a variety of simple ways to walk someone through how to know God personally.
6. The app contains tools and resources for before, during and after a conversation about the gospel.
7. Two people can look at the same tool at the same time in two languages.
8. GodTools is available in more than 80 languages.
9. But when the opportunity comes to talk about Jesus, do you feel the same way?
10. Does talking about God feel too complicated?
11. But starting that conversation feels intimidating.
1. Overall a good app, but work on doing it without the app.This is an incredibly simple but powerful app to use to proclaim the gospel! It is transparent and transferrable to those who hear! Examples: 1) we have found that many non-believers from various backgrounds have said that this is one of the clearest explanations of the Christian message and that we ought to share it more often! 2) we were able to train 22 of our student leaders who went and shared this app with close to 350 of their friends last year! These numbers of shares continue to grow!I used the paper version of this for decades, it was how I first understood the Gospel and and it was how I shared with others.
2. I showed him how it was available in many languages, when he downloaded his native language he got very excited and exclaimed "Now I can tell my wife!"If only it was based on the Gospel of the Kingdom that JC taught 2 us2 Repent or Parish Lk13.5, Mt24.4-27 Acts2.38-41,this App is Pauls false gospel, just believe &receive-Rom10.9 it is a lie&it is not the Gospel of JC! Lk13.5,24.46-49. Different con-version stories? Acts9,22,26, 1Cor9.1, 2Tim1.15, 4.16 why all left Paul?=Rev2.2 They found him 2b a Liar& Imposter.
3. I can't find a flaw in it, it's definitely great if you want advice to tell others about God, it's very considerate of our time 10/10.I am so grateful and thankful for this app! It has given me such comfort and confidence knowing that this is available to use as God leads to speak to different people...and in different languages! God bless you all for creating this!I just downloaded the app and it so easy to use.
4. This app is so incredibly amazing, you can read it anytime, it has amazing advice and encouragement, its very good at giving us confidence to be lights of the world and to let the holy spirit wor within us, it teaches alot about Christianity and it's very helpful when you want to learn more.
5. I want to tell others about the good news, but I'm not sure if talking to someone while looking at your phone is such a good idea.
6. Mt24,Mk13,Lk17,24,Rv1.7 JC said no personal visits No desert or innerroom visits.Mt24.26-27,Jn5.43. 1Cor4.16,Jn6.63,68-69, Mt19.28.I am very grateful to God that his Holy spirit is still in me .
7. If you are really devoted to telling others about the gospel, then use your own words, not the words off of an app.
8. If you use the app for long enough, then I would suggest moving off of using the app actively while ministering, and studying the different topics on your own time.
9. With this tool I always have a clear presentation of the Gospel.
10. I once shared this with a co-worker who had a limited understanding of English.
11. It would be better if there’s a feature to create your own notes about your faith.