1. The NOAA Chesapeake Bay Interpretive Buoy System (CBIBS) "smart buoys" collect and transmit real-time weather and water data.
2. CBIBS supports the use and management of a healthy Chesapeake Bay by providing the data and information needed to improve safety, enhance the economy, and protect the environment.
1. Neat! I always wanted to do some crabbing so all I have to do is check recent conditions in the water and air on top of what meteorologists not there or looking at the same buoy could.I like to have my conditions from wave period to salinity to wave height and much more,this gives you a set of local floating weather stations and water sensor suites as well.One is always where my morning sea breeze comes from,so now I know knowing distance and wind speed,what air is headed my way till around 3ish.will not load, says no internet connection.
2. Started doing this the other day.Maps simply shows nothing but a blank screen!Only 4 of 10 bouys operating... NOAA needs to fix these.says my internet is down so no bouys.
3. The error message states it is my Internet connection while all other apps work fine.
4. used to work great and I used it all the time!Says no buoys located.
5. used to work fineall bouys offlineThe app stopped loading any buoys.
6. Other app functions seem to work.My app quit working too.
7. Works fine!Great app, but it does not display properly in portrait layout on a nexus 7.
8. Check internet connection.
9. I waited for about two weeks since similar issues have occurred before for a single bouy.
10. I have uninstallled/ installed the app 5 times over three days.
11. The preferences menu cases the app to crash on the N7 as well.