Published by RoMedia Network on Jul 29, 2024

Report an issue with TV Romania Online.
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Why should I report an Issue with TV Romania Online: Programe TV?

  1. AppContacter will directly Email your issue/feedback to an apps's customer service once you report an issue and with lots of issues reported, companies will definitely listen to you.
  2. Pulling issues faced by users like you is a good way to draw attention of RoMedia Network to your problem using the strength of crowds.
  3. Importantly, customers can learn from other customers in case the issue is a common problem that has been solved before.
contact TV Romania Online: Programe TV image 1 contact TV Romania Online: Programe TV image 2

About TV Romania Online: Programe TV

1. Daca gasiti in alta parte un stream functional pentru vreunul dintre posturile TV care in aplicatie nu functioneaza la un anumit moment de timp, va rugam sa ne transmiteti pe e-mail stream-ul functional sau unde l-ati gasit si il vom adauga alaturi de celelalte in aplicatie pentru a va fi mai usor si a le avea pe toate intr-un singur loc.

2. Canalele nu sunt hostate pe un server propriu, astfel ca acestea pot deveni nefunctionale oricand, insa datorita multiplelor surse adaugate in aplicatie sansele ca un post TV sa nu fie accesibil deloc sunt foarte mici.

3. TV Romania Online ofera acces la canale tv romanesti, avand o interfata prietenoasa, pe orice telefon / tableta prin intermediul unei conexiuni Wireless sau 3G/4G. ATENTIE!

4. Ne puteti scrie pe mail orice nemultumire sau nefunctionalitate legata de aplicatie si vom incerca sa o remediem cat mai rapid posibil.

5. De asemenea, daca aveti sugestii de posturi TV suplimentare, suntem deschisi sa le adaugam in aplicatie.

6. This application is designed to facilitate users to easily find and access media content over the Internet (publicly available).

7. Pentru functionarea corespunzatoare a posturilor TV va rugam sa tineti cont de aplicatiile necesare.

8. If you make use of this application you agree to respect the rights of the content owners.

9. Suntem deschisi la orice sugestie de imbunatatire a aplicatiei.

10. Realizam verificari si update-uri de surse in cel mai scurt timp.

11. It is our policy to respond to clear notices of alleged copyright infringement.

TV Romania Online Customer Insights

1. Nu merge nimic, doar reclame si spamuriSunteți de căcatDupă ce că rupe niște reclame, mai vrea și bani.

2. A lot of ads.Too many adds! One click one addThis is stupid app with more viruses🙈 Horrible ! 🙈okAm facut toti pasii de inceput.

3. Dar pe rahatul ăsta? Nici 3 minute nu a durat și imi cere să plătesc.

4. Când va fi o aplicație în paroptimi , atunci plătesc.

5. Not working.

Steps to Troubleshoot & Fix TV Romania Online Issues

1. Fix TV Romania Online Not Working/Crashes/Errors/Unresponsive & Black/White screen:

  1. Restart TV Romania Online: Restarting the app will resolve most errors.
  2. Update the TV Romania Online App. Here is how:
    1. On Android goto PlayStore » Search for "TV Romania Online" » Open TV Romania Online: Programe TV » click "Update".
    2. On iPhone, goto AppStore » Your profile » Available Updates » Check for TV Romania Online » click "UPDATE".
  3. Clear TV Romania Online: Programe TV app cache: Clearing cached data will force your app to retrieve the latest data directly from TV Romania Online servers.
    1. On Android, goto Settings » Apps » Select "TV Romania Online: Programe TV" » click Storage » click "Clear Cache".
  4. Check TV Romania Online app permissions. If any of these permissions required to use your device's features are disenabled, TV Romania Online might not work.
  5. Uninstall and reinstall TV Romania Online. If nothing else has worked, completely uninstall TV Romania Online then reinstall.
  6. Restart your device. Last, restarting your device can often clear most problems causing TV Romania Online not working

2. Fix TV Romania Online Server issues & Internet Connection

  1. Check network connection: An unstable Internet will make TV Romania Online be unable to connect to it's servers. Ensure your wi-fi is working then restart app.
  2. Disable VPN: VPN can cause connection errors and lead to TV Romania Online not working. Make sure all VPNs are off
  3. Enable background data: When Background data is turned off, TV Romania Online may not be able to connect to the Internet when running in the background.

Reported Issues