1. Get the latest news and information, weather coverage and traffic updates in the Tyler area with the 107-3 KISS-FM app!
2. This is the latest version of the 107-3 KISS-FM app, and many more features are already planned.
3. Listen to the station live and interact with the hosts – you can direct message and call the show directly from the app.
4. Save articles and viral stories for reading later, and share on Facebook and Twitter.
5. Receive alerts about breaking news, contests, and more before anyone else.
6. Please share your feedback from within the 107-3 KISS-FM app by clicking the “Send App Feedback” link in the menu.
1. I would love to listen to the station from this app vs the headache i deal with radiopup just to listen to it on google home but sadly it says you support google chromecast but you do not.. So i have to deal with iheartradio or youtube.. Which is sad cause i love this stationI can't wait to turn on my radio every morning and hear whats going on at this station.