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2. Hookups is the ideal place to find what you're looking for in a person, actually, I have been tired of tinder like apps which have tons of low quality profiles.
3. Thanks to Hookups, I have already dated 2 amazing women in my city, I had the treat, but it was totally worth it.Anyone got a contact email for them? I paid subscription fee and then they deleted my account minutes later.
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6. I'm in southern California and I get results for everywhere across the US! I strongly consider you reconsider having this as a paid feature.I have been using this app for several days Even though this is a new hook up app, but its feature are all very perfect and fluent.
7. It has good potential but the fact that you have to pay to search nearby singles is so stupid! Not only do you have to go through the list and find girls you like and see if they respond, but you also have to check if they are even close by.
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