1. I know I absolutely love the series Yellow Jackets and every week I really look forward to watching a new episode!!! Would like to see a few more newer movies to choose from that aren't already on all the other premium streaming apps! It's like they all have the same ones streaming at the same time every month and it tends to be boring!!! 💯Keeps restarting whatever I'm watching instead of leaving it on pause to reply to a text or to use my phone and need to click off app.
2. This app has no currently watching section, no way to skip intros, half the time you can't pause it and come back without getting an error message (and it doesn't save your spot in an episode).
3. Well, jokes on them.I wish there was a picture-in-picture feature like my Netflix and Hulu apps so that I can keep watching on the smaller screen while I complete other tasks on my phone.
4. App doesn't let you forward in small increments, doesn't let you skip theme songs easily, doesn't hold your place when you're watching something, or have a "currently watching" section, and anytime you tab out, you will come back to an error.
5. There is no "continue watching" section, no option to go forward 10 seconds (weird, since you can go back 10 seconds), and no option to skip an intro.
6. I'd also like to see a fast forward option and an intro and recap skip option like other streaming apps.
7. Other steaming apps allow you to send back a text at the same time same screen as your show/movie.
8. Doesn't really save what I'm watching or keep it at the top when using on a mobile phone.Get with the times.
9. I can't add a series, only episodes from a series, to My List.Least efficient of all the streaming apps I have.
10. I almost quit watching Yellowjackets, simply because I couldn't skip the long intro.
11. It's time to update your service and make it better.Love Showtime ... excellent programming - totally woth the subscription fee - BUT I HATE the app.