1. Please bring the hours exercised back! Now it's not tracking my workoutsThe crowd meter lies, often showing much lower numbers than are really there.
2. It's been a few more weeks of me on-and-off again trying to figure out how to change it to show my new location's crowd meter.
3. It's missing basic features I thought it would have like being able to track your activity on a machine.
4. I liked the previous way we were able to track our fitness, and it showed the weekly hours.
5. Crowd meter in app showed the lowest amount, Google showed the highest number of people for the day were there.
6. For someone trying to reach the required hours to maintain a healthy heart, the previous version was better! Now, it only shows activity and calories burned.
7. Other people's app showed the meter much higher at the same time of day at the same location.
8. Just the thoughts of a retired computer engineer.If you're signing up for membership, bear in mind that it is physically impossible to read the contract on a phone (which I'm not sure is legal).
9. It was 2-3 weeks after moving before I realized the crowd meter was still showing my old gym.
10. But when you say "My Journey," I would expect more features to help track my progress.I'm unhappy with the new updates.
11. My meter never shows more than two bars even during peak hours.
I don't want the planet fitness app no more delete please thank you