1. You may want to make it clear in the design/ user interface, about the externally imposed limit of 1mb on back ups, that will make your system crash == Downloaded for first time, selected all email, to export by email - choosing preview option crashed the app.
2. On top of that, the ordering of the messages is not right? I was exporting messages covering a few months, and in between the January 9 messages there would all of a sudden by one from April 8, then one from January 7, then back to January 9?Backed up all my messages but when I restored them I lost a lot of replies and couldn't send any additional texts to those contacts.
3. Choosing BOTH inbox & Sent as an option.. Also, because of this app, i learned that blocked texts are NOT deleted when marked as spam.
4. Reopened it, repeated choice -- chose export this time instead of preview -- java failed message.
5. "Gives pause" to what is a good and useful application.I like that i can export my sms to email.
6. Also managed to export a .csv file which several spreadsheet programs couldn't format properly and I also suspect there was a loss of data.
7. It skipped many of my texts, the messages I had sent.
8. In the export it did not indicate who wrote which mesage, every message said "On : At: From : : " regardless of whether the message was sent from/by him to me, or by me to him.
9. No clue where they are though, so i can delete them lol.I wanted to like this; The UI is fine, but... the export itself needs some work.
10. Not sure why this app didn't appear sooner in my searxhes but it has what I've been looking.Excellent It backups all my texts which is very important.
11. But it's glitchy... the app is pulling up texts I've deleted, and not finding some that i haven't.