1. Magzter, the world's largest digital newsstand with thousands of magazines and newspapers in its catalogue, launches an all-new app, Magzter Library, to cater to the needs of libraries.
2. With this exciting new offering from Magzter, libraries can give their readers access to best-selling magazines and newspapers from any part of the world.
3. If you are a reader and would like to try out Magzter Library, please contact your librarian or organization.
4. If you are a librarian or a corporate organization and would like to sign up for our services, please email library. support@magzter. com.
5. Please visit for our Privacy Policy and for our Terms & Conditions.
1. So why not fix the app?No ability to browse collection to discover new-to-you materials in a topic that you're interested in, and their catalog is anemic.... I'm feeling border-line between underwhelmed and disappointed in my libraries switching to this platform.I depend on it for knowing lot of events going around, current technology, innovation, research and Lifestyle.
2. They have good magazines but the subscription is n not worth itMy subscription was transferred to you for my Runners World magazine, yet i dont have the latest edition available to me.
3. I can see all the magazines in the app but there is no search or filter option without which it is impossible to navigate to your favourite magazine.Unfortunately it is not possible to give this app less than one star.
4. I tried to go through the list of thousands of magazines to bookmark what I might find interesting and the bookmarks did not register.
5. You click delete, it looks like it has been deleted but when you next go back into my collection the magazine is still there.
6. lets see if you respond to this now 😡Will not let me delete magazine in my collection.
7. I have had no problem getting this working and fining magazines in my areas of interest.
8. i have sent an email to you guys asking what the problem is and have had no response to date so am not happy at all.
9. The filter will not function, so I cannot choose the category of magazine I desire.
10. Thank you to 'Magzter' and its creators for putting such knowledge at my fingertips.Unusable - I subscribed to their service but the app will not let me log in.
11. Download to device is quick and favorites easy to set.I have gold subscription through my corporate library.