1. Is this due to the fact that I live on a meditteranean island? I was hoping to be able to get a good app for my marine forecast.Don't update app, it removes nearly all free functionality.super helpful for sports coaches and athletes generally.
2. But have to admit that the day itself is correct on that day.Today they changed a five star app to a three star app Furthermore, they posted the wrong tides and a rain forecast that will turn out to be 70% wrong.
3. The three level cloud forecast was accurate and unique amongst available weather apps.
4. I will watch what they forecast for a few days more, but I fear it is now time to say goodbye to them.I have android in English and cannot switch the app language to French or another language.
5. Good and quite accurate forecast and other useful data to safely plan activities at sea.
6. The weather forecast is different of Meteo France marine forecast on their other app.
7. And now I've paid I can't get areas to load...I have found this app to be the best and most accurate forecasting tool on the market,no matter where i have been its been amazing.The app does not open at all.
8. Never (after 14 days of use) i have seen a correct forecast.
9. I have used their old app every day for years to prepare a detailed hour by hour sea forecast for 170 sea swimmers.
10. Just one recent problem: after the last update is no longer possible to consult the weather bulletin from the map.
11. A not specified error occurs everytime.I like the layout and the information which is generally correct on the day itself.