1. I hated it!!!! I've done video appointments with My Chart and we can talk freely back and forth with the doctor.Way to completely fail at basic interface design, guys... The Date of Birth field, which you have to fill twice, does not allow text entry; only calendar-style date choosing.
2. When it came time to do closer to 500 for the second time, which defaulted to *today*, I closed the app and had to register on my computer, which it didn't like much because it isn't the device I'll use.No instructions given that adblocking and basically any security measures on the device would need to be completely disabled or this will not function.
3. It would be good to add closed captioning and also the ability to text on the screen as can be done in Google Meet.When doing a video appointment with my husbands doctor a few days ago, it was really bad.
4. The entire session lasted about 10 minutes, which was plenty of time for questions from both sides.👍 Easy to download, input info.
5. It would pause and seem to be loading while that was going on, and even more annoying, you couldn't talk back and forth without waiting because of the time lapse.
6. I love this app.I will not give permission for the video and audio to be recorded so it doesn't work.
7. The problem is the first time defaults to 1990, which for me meant 120-odd taps, with carpal tunnel, to get to mine.
8. IT says that they are not really recording but they need permission for that to run video and audio.
9. This doesn't happen with other video call apps or similar services.
10. Usually it would take an hour or more in office time to take care of my appointment .
11. And if I want to temporarily go out of the meeting to look something up on same device to discuss with my healthcare provider I lose the video.