1. A logical next step would be be to extend the app to be able to keep score for an entire night (5 matches) and auto fill/generate/email a scoresheet.Would like to see an update to fix a few things.
2. Playing around, I was able to record innings, safties, and time outs for the loser on 8-ball breaks & break and runs.
3. After entering all of the data here it neatly displays the data for easy transfer (by hand) onto a paper scoresheet but doesn't save the data or generate any output.
4. I was able to record no innings when the breaker wins on any of the various fouls.
5. This app is a great first step in that it does a fantastic job of keeping score for one match.
6. However, it serves no real practical propose as far as i can tell.
7. The limit on time-outs appear to be good.
8. Over-all, good job.