1. Read major Austria newspapers, news sites online.
2. You can find news from Badener Zeitung, Boerse-Express, Chip, Computerbild, Der Kurier, Der Standard, Die Presse, Fonds Professionell, Football Austria, Format, Geizhals, GMX. at, Google News, Heute, Heise, KathWeb, Kleine Zeitung, Kronen Zeitung, Laola1, News. at, ORF, Oberösterreichische, Österreich OE24, Profil, Salzburg24, Salzburger Nachrichten, Sportnet, The Local, Tiroler Tageszeitung, VOL, Wetter. at, Wiener Zeitung, WirtschaftsBlatt... * Personalize the order of the newspapers by drag and drop.
1. bitte irgend etwas gegen die gendervergewaltigung unternehmen.
2. sometimes sharing does not work.
3. sometimes links to outside content are not working.
4. but these could be caused by the staged media, maybe not the app itself.
5. thanks for operating this.