1. Thank youVery cool app for learning driving rulesjava.lang.NullPointerException: throw with null exception at am.varord.myapplication.e.a.a(Unknown Source:3) at am.varord.myapplication.e.c$a.a(Unknown Source:20) at i.i$b$a.e(Unknown Source:25) at i.i$b$a.f(Unknown Source:0) at i.b.run(Unknown Source:6) at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:914) at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:100) at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:225) at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThreadHello, i need the arabic version , it's available just for ios ,where can i find the android version to learn , can you help me please ?After several days of use, the application began to crush.
2. Check your email.It was working normal until last update!!! Now it isn't working and I couldn't open app and it close itself immediately!! Please let me know if you have any offer to fix it.Hello, thank you for a good chance to learn online.
3. But the answer is from left side in any direction...The best application to learn and memorize traffic rules.
4. Because in the explanation written that if the controller right hand turned out before the cars from the left side can go in any direction and from the controller front side right.
5. Every single point is considered and explained in detail, simple and clear video material, well-constructed system to evaluate the information perceived.
6. After the update (32 tests) some answers are without the image (Test 17 - 1st question for example).This was the only source I used to take the exam.
7. The full set of tests for driving license exam is provided as well.
8. When tapping on 33rd test ticket the 34 is being opened.
9. Because as a explanation written something but the answer is another thing.
10. As an example test number 27 question 10.
11. Great thanks for your work!!! 5+++You have a bug in app, inside the tests section.