Published by booklive

Table of Contents:

  1. Delete via Email
  2. Delete on iphone
  3. Delete on android

Reading time: 47 seconds

1. Delete the secret Account through Email

There are 2 methods to get your data (and account) deleted by the secret by rhoneda Byren:

  1. Under GDPR: EU/UK Residents have the right to ask (via email), an organization that holds data about them to delete it. This is known as the ‘right to erasure’. Organizations have one month to respond to the request.

  2. Under CCPA: California residents have the right to request that a company delete the data/personal information it has on them. A failure to comply with this will result in a fine of upto $7,500.

Now you understand what the Law says, Send your Request directly to the secret using the form below:

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Alternatively, you can follow these steps below to get the secret to delete your account/data:

  1. To delete your the secret account, contact the secret via email and provide the reasons for your request.
  2. Mention the law under which you make your request (GDPR or CCPA).
  3. Notify the secret of the penalty for non-compliance - A $7,500 fine under CCPA and 4% of annual turnover under GDPR.
  4. Send the email to bouftousaid4@redacted... Click to see email

2. How to Delete the secret on Iphone

  1. On iphone, Goto "Settings "
  2. Click on "General" » "Iphone Storage".
  3. Select the app, and click "Delete the secret by rhoneda Byren".

3. Delete the secret on Android phone

  1. Go to your Android phone Settings.
  2. Click on "Apps & Games".
  3. Select "the secret by rhoneda Byren" and Click "Uninstall".

12 details about the secret app

1. There is constant interaction between negative and positive thought vibrations - it is the task of the individual to raise the keynote of their mind to a positive pitch by an act of will.

2. Long before Rhoneda Byrn discovered the secret that one's positive thoughts are powerful magnets that attract wealth, health, and happiness, Atkinson already knew it.

3. The many faculties of the mind are identified and discussed, and the author asserts that the current of will-power flows strongly along spiritual wires but the individual must train in order to optimally tap into this energy source.

4. The difference is in the vibratory rate which also explains the fact that thought vibrations cannot usually be perceived by our 5 senses.

5. Atkinson discusses the purpose of affirmations as twofold: firstly, to establish new mental attitudes, secondly to raise the mental keynote.

6. This book contains many stories and stories of thinkers and inventors who have known the secret of life and have thus achieved success.

7. He explains that thought vibrations are as real as those manifesting as light, heat, magnetism and electricity.

8. In this New Thought classic, Atkinson looks at the law of attraction in the thought world.

9. This secret gives you everything you want .. It believes you happiness, health and wealth, you can have what you want whatever it is expensive and do whatever you want, whatever its difficulty.

10. Atkinson also shows how to overcome negative emotions like fear, worry, envy, anger and hate.

11. William Walker Atkinson was an influential member of the New Thought movement.

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