1. What does this profile also so if people are not your friend currently or if you are blocked from Facebook and they are the person redoing your profile looks so that person? And it can you review more than 24 hours ago I've seen the last 24 hours but I can't see anything else.It just pickes anybody friends or friends of friends and they haven't really looked at your profile it popped up my girlfriend and she not looked at my profile for like 3 or 4 days she said and I just her as I dont post much at all 🤣Good.. It only adds a couple views from the list & keeps some.
2. It should remove all and replace new ones.It works but it didn't show the past viewersSeems like I have to uninstall and reinstall to see the peopleLog out option is not working..Want to know who's stalking you on Facebook? It will show you.