1. I'm using the app on my smart TV also on my Tab same problem on both of them.Worst app ever I already have a subscription and when I want to watch something is telling me to subscribe again ... are you trying to get the money twice?Disappointing experience.
2. Old episodes are available but do not load, sometimes impossible to navigate to the first episode of an older show.Awfull outdated and buggy app.
3. On the smart non android TV is working like an app from 2000.Worst app ever , keep freezing, and moving slowly.
4. I went ahead and cancelled the subscription and they charged me $19.99. Do not make a subscription on this app!Bad stream we can see almost nothing.Lokking we pay to see antena 1 and another program buy not always posible.still lots of bugs.
5. The constant need of restarts and the fact that it often "forgets" the episodes you are watching or the time where you stopped are some of the issues.
6. Constantly randomly pausing and if you pause it for some couple of minutes, the video is starting from the beginning.It costs too much compared to how bad it works.
7. But one thing which I can not understand is the constant loss of data when I am on 4G into an urban area without any sources of distortion.
8. It has a lot of things which needs to be imrpoved when you compare it to other TV series and movies apps.
9. Pitty for the good content Update: The user experience is getting from bad to worse.
10. I only made the account for one show and everytime I try to see it, an error pops.
11. app stops frequently in full screen modeThe app is not in shape for release.
Please unscribe me from emails
Subscription Cancellation Request - I am no able to see the subscription on my Apple ID, but a payment was requested from my account.
Buna seara,
Este o problema de conecate,am incercat de nenumarate ori si scrie ca este o problema de conexiune,internetul functioneaza bine,nu stiu care este problema,astazi pe zi a mers
Mă numesc Boca Ioan nișa deconectat antena play și numai pot să-mi instalez am zice să-mi fac abonament dar eu am avut abonament pe număru 7066605516 origi și 0725511288 pe Vodafone și adresa de e-mail nu mai știu nici parola vă rog să mă ajutați
De ce nu functioneaza Antena1 in Italia sunt abonata va multumesc
I don't understand whay you can.t take the money from my account for the mountly subscriptions.
Buna ziua.
Primesc tin sa mentionez faptul ca mi se iau banii pentru antena play de doua ori si nu inteleg de ce .
Cum se poate rezolva aceasta problema?
Am incercat sa imi recuperez parola dar nu se poate conecta la server.
I am paying for the app and is not working properly, for example today didn't work half of the day, can you please tell me what is happening?
Buna ziua, Am probleme cu aplicația de 2 zile , ce se întâmplă? Ma poate ajuta cineva va rog