1. The most complete weather app, with real-time information and forecasts for the next five days at 3-hour intervals, in addition to complex calculations of the Heat Index and Wind Chill, with safety recommendations for each temperature.
2. You can obtain the Heat Index and the Wind Chill in Celsius or Fahrenheit, and share the results by SMS, e-mail, WhatsApp, etc.
3. The Wind Chill is based on the rate of heat loss from exposed skin caused by wind and cold.
4. The Wind Chill is calculated using temperatures below 50ºF or 10ºC, and winds above 3Mph or 4. 83Kph.
5. The Heat Index is the combination of the effect of relative humidity on apparent air temperature.
6. The Heat Index is calculated with temperatures above 40°F or 4. 4°C.
7. It is used to define how much heat a person feels, as a combination of these 2 parameters.
8. In general, the Heat Index is used for high temperatures, and the Wind Chill for low temperatures.
1. I assume it gets the wind speed and temperature from a weather serviceWas not so clear how to use it at the beginning but it works for major cities, not possible to get precise location which is disappointing but for a generic app it works well.The only app which calculates heat index for you! All the rest ask me for numbers I dont have.
2. I did not try in auto mode I just enter manually but if the info it receives is correct it should be right In automatic.
3. Bye.Works well in auto/GPS modes but won't let me input a city manually.Doesn't work.
4. I have another app for weather forecast but I wanted to know what the wind chill is.
5. Error accessing internet eventhough there is internet access.It's a very simple application.
6. You can use "auto mode" or "manual" I prefer the manual mode.
7. Seriously.Seems very accurate according to weather forecast.
8. All I want is it safe to go outside!I used a solid wifi in a large city.
9. I've had it on my phone for 15 minutes and it's PERFECT!! It's simple.
10. I don't need anything fancy.
11. Never found anything searched for.