1. made a purchase and unable to access content.Very good, saves having piles of mags lying around, also means you can take your mags away with you, always have something to read.
2. I want the app to open my library not alternative pages.Excellent way to download my issue of BRM every month.Updates are awkward to say the leastP.
3. Apparently I have a recurring subscription?! I didn't agree to this and initially thought it was a scam.Not as good as before.
4. App itself works extremely well on my Nexus 10, the clarity of the print is excellent and being able to ' pinch ' the text larger or rotate tablet to get bigger page views is very good.
5. Recommended if you want to try a digital magazine.Only get bits of the mag rubbish down loadOK but very frustrating when my tablet auto-rotates pages I want to view in landscape.