1. B마트, 대용량특가, 전국별미를 한 화면에서 만날 수 있습니다. 다양한 서비스와 원하는 상품을 한 눈에 보고 경험해보세요! 많이 살수록 더 저렴하게, 대용량특가! 포장 주문 되는 가게들을 목록으로 더 편하게 찾아보고 미리 주문하세요! 다 같이 먹으면 더 맛있으니까, 함께주문! 친구, 가족, 동료와 함께 주문할 때 이제는 한 바구니에 담아 주문해보세요! ※ 배민배달, 배민클럽, 장보기・쇼핑, B마트 등 일부 서비스는 현재 일부 지역에서 만날 수 있어요. 배달의민족에서는 서비스 제공을 위해 아래의 접근권한을 필요로 합니다. * 위 접근권한은 특정 기능을 사용할 때 허용이 필요하며, 허용에 동의하지 않으셔도 배달의민족을 이용하실 수 있습니다.
2. 많다 많아! 배민의 모든 맛집, 음식배달에서 만나보세요. 내게 꼭 맞는 맛집을 소개해 드립니다. 지금 배민클럽 가입하고 앞으로도 쭉- 배달팁 없이 주문해 보세요. 배민클럽 가게에서 주문하면 1인분도, 먼 거리도 배달팁 무료! 내가 있는 곳으로 바로 와서 배달 시간이 빨라요. 신속한 배달이 필요할 땐 한집배달로 주문해 보세요. 배달의민족만의 AI 배차 기술로, 최적의 길로 배달해요. 실속을 챙기고 싶을 땐 알뜰배달로 주문하세요. 식자재부터 생필품까지 바로 배달해드립니다. 한 눈에 더 쉽고 편리하게, 장보기・쇼핑!
1. If you buy over 25,000 won you will get the free delivery which you don't need to pay(for the delivery).I really love using 배민, but why is it not allowed for foreigners residents in Korea to send or receive gift coupons???? Today I spent 1 hour of my time trying to do it but it was not possible because "내국인만 가능합니다".
2. So I ended up using a different korean delivery app that took me just 1 min to send a gift coupon -> easy & simple.the customer service team.
3. Anyway, I am satisfied with the app.Wow, love the casual racism on here from foreigners who assume that all apps listed ln Google Play should be in English... it is almost like they don't realize that Google Play is the default for Android, and that there are actually countries that use smartphones where English isn't the primary language.
4. My only issue is I have the hardest time getting my payment info through on this app with all the steps compared to other food delivery apps.
5. What? If they don't have an Enlgish version, then don't list on Google store? According to this logic, if you don't speak Korean, you should get out of Korea.
6. A korean phone number is needed in order to use 배민's services, and it is all in Korean.
7. At the same time, in a country where the main language is Korean, the company is going to market to their main demographic.
8. I would definitely not recommend it to foreigners staying short term/new arrivals unless you have a sim card and are able to read Korean.
9. Finally able to get a korean phone number and played all their games to get to the payment screen and now they won't let me pay unless I get another app.
10. The app works great if you speak Korean, as it was designed to be used in Korea, by Korean speakers.
11. KOREA and the official language of this country is ONLY Korean, nothing else.
I ordered food through the app. I was eventually contacted by the driver who wanted to confirm my address. Once confirmed, I got an sms to say they attempted to contact me and couldn’t reach me. This was weird because I had in fact answered.
The message said they would hold my food for an hour and I had to contact customer service to arrange re-delivery / refund. However, the driver found out I could not speak Korean.
After this, I tried several times to contact customer service but I failed over the phone. I then saw on the app the food was delivered, but it was not! I can’t help but feel the driver did this knowing I was not going to be able to fix the problem. I’m really upset because I didn’t get my food and would like to be refunded.
안녕하세요. 앱에서 음식을 주문했어요. 기사님이 제 주소를 확인하기 위해 제게 전화를 했어요. 그리고 기사가 연락이 되지 않아 한 시간 동안 음식을 보관해 준다고 연락이 왔습니다. 저는 외국인이고 한국어를 할 줄 모르기 때문에 고객 서비스에 연락할 수 없었습니다. 음식에는 앱에 배달되었다고 나오는데 배달된 적이 없어요. 운전자가 거짓말을 한 것 같아요.