1. Free face beauty analysis in 3 minutes.
2. For best results use a straight face picture.
3. WARNING: Please do not use this app if you have low self-esteem or confidence problems.
4. You can use photo or camera.
5. Am I pretty or ugly?
1. Hence why deformities don't matter, because it doesn't look at how much fat is in your chin or your missing eyebrow.If you line everything up correctly then it's pretty accurate at telling you whether your face is symmetrical and in proportion however it won't notice if you're missing an ear, an eyebrow or if you have nice skin so it has limits of course.
2. This app deserves a higher rating than 3 stars.Positives: Interface was great, made the process smooth and even as fun as staring at a picture of yourself for 5 minutes gets.
3. You can improve your score by tilting your head differently because it can't tell if you're looking slightly up which would make your face look shorter if it's too long.I would give it 5 stars but it lowered my self-esteem so 4 stars take it or leave.
4. Many reviews of this app seem to be people who are either happy or unhappy with the rating it gave them, which makes the ratings pretty unfair.
5. BUT THEN IT LOSES ME AT 81! How?! with a bad almost everything do I get in 20% of perfect?!? 2/5I understand some people like this, but I'm a very sensitive person and I admit I don't look very pretty, I took a photo and used the same expression for every photo.
6. It's good runs smoothly but the alignment is sorta diffcult? Almost like a glitchly mouse that doesn't run smooth.
7. I would say this is a great app for someone who isn't offended easily.Well, I am not going to give a bad rating because I got a not so great score.
8. The closer that part of the dot/line is to the perfect face (100%) one that they have, the higher your score.
9. It doesnt matter how big your forehead is for example, as long as its symmetrical to the rest of your face.
10. And it's actually accurate, it points out most of my insecurities (and have me new ones too, haha) so I think this app works wellIt's fun to mess around with.
11. I do think it isnt accurate at all (which is actually relieving) like it always tells me my eyes are far apart but I really dont see it lol.