1. Since the time of the original post, I have learned (by taking a chance on the "English" edition vs "US" edition)...It worked!!! imagine my surprise! So, for those of you who haven't been successful in downloading the US edition on your android, please try the "English".A beautiful blessing to have the daily prayers and readings of the church close at hand to pray in unity with my brothers and sisters in Christ.
2. I haven't been able to open any content for the last 2 months and receive the message: "ERROR download.
3. We have always had trouble downloading monthly content but this month, September 2022, my app stopped working, getting the error message that so many others have reported.
4. I've been a subscriber of Magnificat for many years and was so grateful to have access to it electronically, but it didn't last more than a few monthsThe Magnificat is an absolute treasure from heaven.
5. Unfortunately, I've been unable to download updated content for the current month and nothing makes a difference.
6. God bless those involved in making this available.My husband and I have been subscribers of Magnificat for many years.
7. I recommend highly!!When I try using the Magnificat for September I receive the following error: "Error loading.
8. Thank you for the great app! God Bless! Note: There are some individuals who mentioned having trouble loading the app.
9. Again, sad.I've been getting Magnificat for many years.
10. Easy to use, very functional- easy text size change, reminder settings... super! Thank you for the complimentary trial in these trying times.
11. Now my current edition won't download so I uninstalled the app and re-installed it.
My Magnificat appD suddenly stopped working today. When I try to open it, it immediately goes to the Downloading Your Magnificat screen (I'd already successfully downloaded and used the September issue a few days ago), and then it goes to
Error loading. Touch to retry." Nothing happens when I do that. I've tried restarting my iphone 11, clearing cache, deleting and reinstalling the app. Nothing works. Please help! I use this app daily.