1. Why so many ads? It's ridiculous! I hope you're not paying the Developer of this app a lot cause it's garbage! If you are you've wasted your money! This app is a dumpster fire! I'd start all over again! You know they make app templates...might be a better option for you then maybe the app would actually work!Usually when I get push notifications I end up with an old story I've already seen.
2. I've pushed scoreboard and gotten nothing but adsThe app works great now i used to have an old version and deleted it because it didn't function well and was slow but now it's a super smooth app weather news everything you need to know if you live in PAMeh.
3. When you click on the app notifications it errors out & goes to a blank white page.
4. The notifications are useless! If you want to see the story you have to fully open the app.
5. Things are not updated too quickly.