1. I gave you the one start does it was the worst if you don't know how late it is cuz you're like when I press start and insight just don't need pictures are like we why it's because I'm only like new phones play on tablets are you anything if it's animatronic thing you can play on this game the new light youI'm just letting you guys know so you guys will understand if I said some mixed-up words don't be mad at me personally I like this game it's just I don't like it because it's not going to letI hate this game all it does is show you how to play secret neighbor all I want to play a secret neighbor but not the guide I recommend you not to get this game unless you want tell know how to play secret neighbor it's really not a good app but if you know how to play it I would not get this or you just look at the instructions to get hints how to play but I don't think it is a good app to get it...
2. WHAT, THERE IS NO FUN IT IS HORIBLE this thing a click baiter don't waist ur storage and time on this thi I don't even think I could call this a game is SUCKS and I hate it.