1. Breaking news, fast, from Canada’s #1 news source.
1. This ability to "unplug" is important for overall mental health and work productivity.Unfortunately there are two major bugs: (1, relatively new) the app refreshes as you scroll through the feed of stories and bumps you back to the top, and (2, has periodically shown up for years) stories regularly display the html CSS as if it were the text of the story.
2. It seems random but happens most often during the day, not so much at night.Good news app, lots of options for your news feed, can check out other departments any time.
3. Certainly a lot less polished than the BBC or CBC apps.I like the news, but sm totally frustrated that CTV News can't find a way to fit the complete headline in a news story.
4. Up to date pixel 3.It keeps forcing me to My Feed, despite constantly changing it back to the regular news.
5. I do not want to be notified every time there is breaking news, which generally means something has happened that is negative in nature.
6. I read many news apps.
7. In News section, you have to scroll all the way back to top to change category.
8. No other news app does this .
9. All other apps, you click once to return to the previous screen.The app is mostly fine, except for the code that shows up in articles, right in the middle of paragraphs.
10. My biggest peeve with this app (and it took me a while to figure out what was going on) is the feed totally renews if something is updated or a new story entered.
11. I don't want my news viewing dictated by an algorithm, but there's no way to stop it.