1. A nova versão, além de manter o fornecimento de certidão de quitação eleitoral e de crimes eleitorais, tem novidades: seus dados passam a ser protegidos por senha, além de permitir consultar débitos eleitorais e se cadastrar como mesário voluntário.
2. Importante: o e-Título é compatível com todas as versões Android disponíveis para smartphones lançados no Brasil, a partir do Android 6. 0.
3. Com ele, é possível ter acesso fácil e rápido às informações pessoais na Justiça Eleitoral.
4. O e-Título é a via digital do título de eleitor.
5. O TSE trabalha constantemente para manter o aplicativo atualizado com as versões mais recentes disponíveis no Brasil.
1. Another point is that it does not save what you were trying to do, forcing you to retype long forms many times until it works.30/01/2023 - O aplicativo não funciona no Pixel 6a versao Android 13.
2. It does not work for Pixel 4a android version 13, even after re-installing with the new updated version as of today (09/30)Same as others, it just crashes on my Google Pixel.
3. I've tried dozens of times and never was validated... Hi there, this is my second review about this App and this time i could finally enter it, after trying hard to get through all the hurdles... finally I'm in! Thanks a lot for this! It doesn’t tell you anything for you to know what is actually wrong but i think this is to make it hard to be frauded...Does not work reliably, and does not have adequate error feedback.
4. I've already sent a error report earlier this month to the email provided in the app store, but have not received any update in the issue.Awful. It just won't open on a Pixel phone.
5. I don't want to get in trouble just because the app does not work.App is still "crashing" for Pixel, it doesn't even open.
6. This is a serious issue, since now the TSE has its physical emission of voting ID suspended, relying solely on this app.It's not working on Pixel 4xl since I updated to android 13 it stopped working.
7. You just need to figure out why the app is not compatible with Android/Pixel.I can see everyone with a Pixel phone has had the same terrible experience.
8. I hope this will be fixed because I don't want to get in trouble with the law because a phone is not accepting an app.Can't login because the app thinks my phone is rooted on a Oneplus 6T, when I can verify that it's not rooted.
9. 30/09 - Re-instlação feita no dia de hoje, 2 dias antes das eleições, e o APP segue NÃO funcionando no Android 13 (pixel4a).
10. If I attach a pdf file to it and press finish, it will show progress for a little while, but then stays on the same screen and does not finish.
11. Tenho o app funcionando meu Pixel 4a normalmente mas não funciona no 6a.