1. While recording, my eyes are open, still app records as closed.the emoji doesnt always fit your whole head.
2. it is SO funny 😆 and not ALL the expressions work ...but it's really good and I read the other reviews and like 80% of them were about the eyes...😒 the eyes are easy to fix stop raging.
3. I have the most recent Android update.Eyes open and close improperly.
4. when you close your eyes the emoji eyes stay closed even if you open them.
5. Mobigyaan recommend getting Supermoji for Android phones.
6. I installed the app and it looks nothing like what's on their website, nor does it look anything like what the Google store shows.
7. I even tried recording in bright light, but of no use.
8. great idea and I cant wait for updates to make it better.
9. On their website, they show pictures of the app and, basically, how to use it.
10. but for now this is a poor appI LOVE this app.
11. mouth movement is subpar.