1. Optimized for a display to consume less device battery by using light fonts over dark background.
2. The language of this application is Punjabi (Gurmukhi). please let us know about mistakes @ webforlessmedia@gmail.
1. Developers - in future update I hope you can either include English translation beneath each line and/or a button to switch translated lines on or off?Pls add Aarti sahib.
2. I would personally like to see an option to change the horrible pink colour...or perhaps the developers can set a neutral colour please - like black.
3. but i suggest you to add bookmark option to remind where the person left reading last time.
4. This is the only app I have seen which has not a single unnecessary thing.Wonderful app without ads while the internet is off.I love this version to reflect my needs.
5. Even for begginers who read path first time, this will very helpful for them.
6. ThanksA nice database of clear Panjabi Gurbani.
7. I had never changed this aplication in exchange of other application because of the format.
8. Best visible in black & white colourGood app.
9. Need to correct them.Nice app and most importantly *to the point*.
10. Then it will be a 5 star aplication.
11. Contains small mistakes.