1. Keep up with updated and credible information of News, National, Jawa Pos Group Today, Economy, Entertainment, Sports, Football, Jawa Pos Group Events, Health, Education, Automotive, Technology, Local, International and many more.
2. Developed with intelligence, focus, tenacity, and integrity; Jawa Pos proudly presents its New and Improved JawaPos. com mobile app for Android.
3. It gives the app permission to use available WiFi networks rather than your mobile network.
4. In the absence of trusted WiFi networks or if WiFi is disabled, the app will make use of your cellular network (if available).
5. Normal bandwidth and usage charges apply as detailed in your service agreement with your wireless carrier.
6. If you’re still experiencing crashes or freezes after installing this update, please contact us at support@jawapos. co. id.
7. For those who are open-minded, modern, dynamic; prioritizing actuality, accuracy, simplicity, and credibility.
8. We’ve been working hard to fix any and all crashes in the app.
9. A quick email to our support team helps our developers identify and resolve crashes faster.
1. Sudah daftar pake PC sudah bayar langganan, pas login lewat HP Android, ga ada respons... Pas masukin username dan password, terus pencet "Login", ga terjadi apa apa.. ga ada pesan sukses atau error, ataupun masuk ke halaman lain, benar2 tidak terjadi apapun... Jadi rugi saya bayar tp ga bisa baca koran.Login selalu tidak bisa padahal sudah langganan dan punya akungak ada pilihan share beritanya? masa harus copy paste berita sebanyak itu kl mau share berita penting ke keluarga ato kerabat?Mohon bisa ditambahkan fitur dark mode.Seringkali membuat hp saya 'hang', mesti restart hp, menunggu perbaikan versi tidak kunjung ada.
2. Informative, i likebit very muchSelalu close appNggak bisa share berita ke orang lain.Ga bisa login.