1. No way to input photo to id snake Useless for me!Ads everywhere, unaccurate titles and only videos.All ads not a decent guide for identifying wild snakes.very poor app.. it will show you video of snake made by others.. Fully useless appThis is the most irritating app I have ever downloaded.Going to uninstall right now.
2. App is totally worthless.I can't use my data to download the app and yet use another data to view the content..i would rather go to YouTube directapp doesn't help me identify snakes at all and full screen popup pops up at every screen.Useless, bad user interface, annoying ads, no helpful information.Mostly ads.
3. It looks great, and maybe the app is still under development, but I don't think my snake's species is on the list.Useless. My cat is llaying with a snake and i need to identify it.