1. Want to know how to save better, protect yourself against financial crime, or how to save costs in the cost of living crisis? All premium.It's basically a good app, but when it asks you to pay for 'Premium' news stories? That's a joke! ALL NEWS is Premium period.a fully up to date herald app still drops key words off the end of sentences of paragraphs... sometimes it's the most important word or 2... so as a user, you're left guessing.
2. now breaks all the rules of good journalism.I've been using this app for a while, and I've noticed a trend that any article that might benefit the reader in any way is a premium article, requiring a paid subscription.
3. I have been in Australia nearly 40 years and it is always good to read well balanced journalism.type of news make it feel more like the publication "Truth" from the 60s 70s etc.
4. would be really good if the herald didn't charge and looked out for their community!!!Every sentence in every article has words cut off.
5. Detracts from the articlesI am a premium subscriber who was on iOS for the last couple of years and have never faced an issue.
6. Also, there is no scroll bar, so you have no idea how far down an article you are.Frequently the last few words at the end of a paragraph are missing.
7. would score higher if this was fixedartciles that should be free... giving financial advice or help with well being.
8. Please fix urgently.One of the better news web sites I read.
9. too little unbiased news lots of catchy headlines with little substance.
10. Very frustrating when I'm paying for the news but unable to get it properly.
11. Also, app reloads frequently; so if you put down your phone and get back to it later, you have to find which article you were reading and how far down.