1. Our network features the in-depth reporting power of Nexstar Media Inc. ’s 5,400 journalists in 110 local newsrooms across the country. (Log in with your cable provider to stream full episodes.
2. We’re your fact-based network that’s focused on bringing you the stories of our local communities which impacts us across the nation.
3. Watch on-demand video of breaking news from our NewsNation team.
4. Please note: This app features Nielsen’s proprietary measurement software which contributes to market research, like Nielsen’s TV Ratings.
5. Customize the news that’s most important to you so you can be informed of breaking news.
6. Unbiased news begins with NewsNation.
7. Personalize the interactive radar and hourly weather forecast for where you live.
8. Please see for more information.
1. The fixed menu along the bottom to easily move between categories and the search function in easy reach at the top are both excellent features and very well placed for those of us holding lunch / beverage in one hand and reading with the other.Love the mix of articles and covering items others seem to overlook.
2. Overall, I'm disappointed and will continue my search for a reliable, unbiased deliverer of all the news.really enjoy News Nation/ I really feel they are the least biased of any news station I watch.
3. Running OS 13 on Note20 5GI wanted to download a NEWS app, not a highly biased, slanted delivery of what competitors were saying.
4. The mobile website looks the same but has none of the drawbacks, just use that instead.I have used this app since News Nation began and have loved it for its balanced content.
5. However, it does not deliver much news, and news stories may stay on here for days, with new coverage almost non-existent for long periods.
6. However, in the last few weeks the app has been freezing making morning news reading quite frustrating.
7. Whether I’m scrolling the main news feed page or individual articles, the app will freeze, then suddenly zoom along past where I've scrolled.
8. In particular it's total garbage on my android TV which is where I prefer to watch news.I liked this app at first.
9. And it is, from what I can tell, a mostly unbiased delivery of news.
10. JAN 2021 Update: I used to LOVE this app and used it daily, but the past month or two it crashes 50% of the time I try to open an article -- whenever some sort of new banner ad does not load.
11. Which way do I actuate the toggle to not allow the sale? Since it is not labeled which side of the toggle does what, I could be making the wrong choice because of your poor design.