1. We provide you with automatically generated summaries of defence and military news stories from countries and topics all over the world. - We also provide you with insights and info-graphics related to each story to enhance your news consumption experience. - Push notifications making sure you're the first to know. - You can see stories from countries like USA, UK, Israel, China, India, Russia, France, Brazil, Australia, Canada, Pakistan, Germany, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa and lots more. - Not just military news from countries and regions, the application provides you military technology topics to get the latest from the high tech defence news. -- The United States Air Force (USAF) - American Uniformed Service. -- The United States Army (USA) - largest branch of the United States Armed Forces. -- The United States Marine Corps (USMC) is a branch of the US Armed Forces responsible for providing power projection, using the mobility of the United States Navy. -- IDF News : The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) are the military forces of Israel.
2. NDA also trains officers from other friendly countries. -- Indian Navy News : The Indian Navy is the naval branch of the Indian Armed Forces. -- Indian Air Force News : The Indian Air Force is the air arm of the Indian armed forces. -- DRDO : The DRDO is an agency in India. DRDO was formed in 1958. -- Pakistan Army News : The Pakistan Army is the land-based branch of the Pakistan Armed Forces. -- Pakistan Navy News : The Pakistan Navy is the naval branch of the Pakistan Armed Forces. -- Pakistan Air Force News (PAF) : The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) is the air arm of the Pakistan armed forces. -- The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) is the air arm of the Nigerian Armed Forces.
3. IDF consist of the ground forces, air force, and navy. -- Indian Army News : Largest component of the Indian Armed Forces. -- Indian NDA : Army officers are recruited through NDA.
4. Nigerian Air Force (NAF) is one of the largest in Africa. -- The Nigerian Navy (NN) is a branch of the Nigerian Armed Forces.
5. All the Army, Navy, Air Force, Military, Defense News from around the world.
6. The Military Feed application is perfect to read defence news on your smart phones.
7. The Nigerian Navy is among the largest Navies on the African continent.
1. UselessNavigation is very poor..once we enter in a particular news and after returning from this news,it enters another news sectionApp seems closed, no updates from past 3 weeks.poor Design and Navigationappears a half hearted attemp to provide D&M news and updates.It's no more updatingalways get hangPlz updates for more innfoNavigation is very poor.
2. Shows white screen under name low internet connection still full ads running.